
Where a payment has been authorised and allocated to discharge a specific debt there is a strict no refund policy.

Where a payment has been made by a client for a particular service there is also no strict refund policy.

However, If you believe that a payment has been made in error, you are not happy with our service, or that it contains incorrect material details you must follow our complaints handling policy in our contact us section, or email us your complaint to (for all enforcement matters).


What is your complaints policy?

Black Panther Solutions Limited and its subsidiary businesses (“The Organisation”), sometimes referred to herein as “we”, “our” or “us” undertakes enforcement activity for its clients and we view any individual who we deal with in the process of enforcement as our customer. This means that we have customer service obligations which we strive to uphold, ensuring customers receive the service they are entitled to expect. We are therefore committed to excellence in complaint resolution.

We realise that contact from us or a visit from an Enforcement Agent, or that your immigration case, can be an unusual, and sometimes difficult moment for any person or family. We are keen to learn from your experience, and will take all feedback seriously. We know we can always improve what we do.

We take all complaints or any expression of dissatisfaction very seriously. We will investigate in accordance with our procedure set out below and will aim to reach a resolution as quick as we can. We do our best to carry out our work fairly and effectively, however, we understand that there may be times when you feel unhappy about our service.

This policy lets you know what you can do if you’re unhappy with our service, and explains our procedure and approach to the resolution of customer complaints. If we’ve got something wrong, please tell us so we can put things right, learn from it and improve our service. We ensure a consistent approach is applied to all our customers through a transparent complaints process.


We welcome your feedback if we have not met your expectations or you are unhappy with our service in any way. If we’ve made a mistake, we will say sorry. Our team are happy to help if you wish to talk through any concerns, they are empowered to put things right, and to find resolutions for you.

If, for any reason, you remain unhappy, then your complaint will be passed to one of our senior management team who will investigate your concerns in a fair and consistent manner, explain what happened and put things right as quickly as they can. If you’re still unhappy, you can ask us to look into your complaint for a second and final time.

You can contact us by phone, email, post or by using our online form. The ‘contact us’ section on our websites, explains how to get in touch with us.

This process does not apply to the collection of debts formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (amended 2006). The collection of such debts is subject to different regulations, including Financial Conduct Authority protections, and the right of customers to report complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Information that will help us

Please include the following information to help us understand and investigate your complaint:

  • our reference number(s) (this can be found on any letters we have sent you)
  • your full name and address, including postcode your contact number, or preferred method of contact
  • what went wrong and why
  • when it happened
  • who you spoke to
  • how you would like us to put it right
  • copies of any documentation that may support your concerns

Important: if you are writing to or calling us on someone else’s behalf, you will need to give us authorisation from the person to let us share confidential information about them.

What you can expect from us

Stage 1 – investigation and resolution

We try to resolve complaints in full at this initial stage.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days.

Your complaint will be allocated to one of our team, who will thoroughly investigate the issues you’ve raised. They may contact you if they need further information or clarification, to ensure they fully understand the situation.

We aim to resolve your complaint within 15 working days. If, we’re unable to do this, a member of our team will contact you to explain why and let you know when you can expect to receive a full response.

There may be a number of contacts during Stage 1 while we’re investigating your complaint.

Once we come to a conclusion, one of our team will fully explain our findings and our decision to you.

Stage 2 – review

If you’re not happy with the outcome of Stage 1, you can ask us to review your complaint.

To assist with the review please let us know why you disagree with the Stage 1 decision, and provide any additional information which may help.

At Stage 2, a senior member of our team will investigate both the complaint itself, and how we have handled it at Stage 1. They will not have been involved in the earlier investigation, this ensures that their review is objective.

They may contact you to discuss your complaint, and will aim to respond to you within 15 working days with a final response, by phone or in writing.

If they cannot provide a final response within 15 working days, they will contact you to let you know when to expect this. This response will highlight the remaining options available to you.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint at this stage, you will have to take your complaint to the relevant government ombudsman.